上海法詩圖酒業發展有限公司 入住在法詩圖園區內,擁有自己的專賣店和葡萄酒采購點,已經形成一定的營銷規模。上海法詩圖酒業發展公司,一家專業經營意大利及西班牙葡萄酒的公司,與法詩圖歐洲總部響應,從葡萄的種植到酒液的傳遞,都將追求品嘗時尚、享受天然、品位尊貴,現已成功將數百款優質進口葡萄酒導入中國市場,力爭5年內擠身中國進口葡萄酒運營商前五名;并創建“法詩圖”意大利進口葡萄酒知名品牌。
Shanghai Fasto Wine Industry & Development Co.,Ltd. is a company specializing in Italian and Spanish wine and corresponds to the Fasto European headquarters from grape planting to wine transmission; they all stand for the fashion degustation, natural enjoyment and noble taste. Hundreds of types of high quality wines have been introduced into Chinese market. It strives for one of the Chinese top five wine operators in 5 years and establishes the well-known Italian import wine brand “Fasto”.